Some of the following simulators don't include a graphical visual interface, so a separate program must be chosen to provide that feature, such as Qucs-S, Oregano, or a PCB suite that supports external simulators, such as KiCad or gEDA. List of Circuit design / analysis / simulation software. segmentation fault Its not specific to diode-it happens on every gate Ive tried. XCircuit was designed originally for Windows and the interface is clearly made more for PC than Mac but you can also use it on macOS. start xcircuit 2.5.3 with no diagram press L to see the libraries click into generic click diode place the diode in the diagram select Netlist:Autonumber components use the middle button to drag a box around the gate to select it. List of free analog and digital electronic circuit simulators, available for Windows, MacOS, Linux, and comparing against UC Berkeley SPICE. Circuit Drawing For Mac Software XCircuit v.3.8.3 XCircuit: Quick Start The frames version of the XCircuit website has a number of menu items down the left side. XCircuit (Mac/Windows) XCircuit is a free open source schematic capture program for drawing publishable standard electrical schematic diagrams and produce circuit netlists through schematic capture.